5 Levels of Agreement

I know I have to be on both sides of this dynamic, and relationships work much more easily when both sides agree on the same level – and the agreement is crystal clear. We all prioritize relationships at different levels. Maybe you`re level 2 in a relationship. Someone asks you if you want to do something, and you say, “Maybe – you look cool, but give me more details.” Use the scale on the flipchart and mark each person`s voice. Then ask everyone to explain why. Then ask those who disagreed the most how the proposal could be modified to suit them. Check with the group to see if there is an agreement before making any changes. Repeat the query and modify the process if necessary. Consensus decision-making is a creative and dynamic way to reach agreement among all members of a group. The group is committed to finding solutions that everyone can actively support or at least live. This contrasts with the simple vote on one point and the fact that the majority of the group imposes its will. We talked about it and we both apologized for our ambiguity and committed to be clearer in future agreements. Our friendship is crazy, but we could have avoided unnecessary drama if we had both been brave enough to settle our deals in advance, even if it would have been uncomfortable.

There are two ways to consider using gradients. First, you can use the gradients at the beginning of a team meeting to see the initial level of support and agreement on the issue before engaging in lengthy discussions. Of course, if there is enthusiastic support, you can quickly move on to other topics. If there is lukewarm, lean, or ambiguous support, you know where to focus your discussion. Neha says that many conflicts arise when we disagree with our agreements with others, especially when it comes to “yes” or “no” agreements. But if you`re working at a different level of agreement, you`re probably going to hurt someone — or feel hurt. Ask the group what consensus means. Using a marker, write the participants` thoughts on a flipchart, and then provide the following definition: “the level of agreement needed to move a group forward” Consider a less life-or-death situation. Imagine a man asking a girl for a date. An interested guy asks a cute girl if she wants to go to the movies. It can either say a clear no – or say yes to one of the five levels of engagement. The book Facilitator`s Guide to Participatory Decision-Making, which contains the tool, is now in its third edition.

It has served as the basis for what many call levels of agreement, as it can be tailored to the needs of the group. Problems arise if we do not clarify the agreement. If two people leave the deal unresolved, expectations remain unmet. Disappointment ensues. Explain that there are levels of agreement and that some decisions require a high level of agreement, while others require a relatively lower level of agreement. Ask what determines the level of agreement required. Is it the fault of the OR staff if they are incompetent? Or Dr. X`s fault for not communicating properly? According to Neha, this is a misalignment of the agreements. It was the physician`s responsibility to ensure that the prescription was recognized (Level 1 agreement) and that a plan had been established. Ideally, he would have arranged for Nurse Sharon to agree to run to the blood bank and collect the blood in the operating room in 10 minutes (a level 5 agreement).

But instead, the doctor barked only an order that no one recognized. Sometimes the qualified yes is really just a stepping stone to a level 5 agreement. I really want to go to the movies, I just need to check my calendar first to make sure I don`t book twice myself. But far too often, a level 3 or 4 match is really a no from someone who is afraid to just say no. A type of psychometric response scale in which respondents generally indicate their degree of agreement with a five-point statement: (1) strongly disagree; (2) disagree; (3) Neither agree nor disagree; (4) Agree; (5) Strongly agree. To illustrate how match scale gradients are used in team decision-making, let`s classify team support levels as enthusiastic, lukewarm, lean, or ambiguous. While the majority of the team members have strong objections, it is clear that the proposal under consideration is not supported. The scale on this page has eight degrees of agreement. These eight gradients – from “Strong Objection” to “Enthusiastic Support” – offer team members a wider choice of vocabulary to indicate their level of support for a proposal.

Responses should focus on the importance of the decision, the need for support or implementation by stakeholders, etc. Explain that before applying a decision method, the group must decide on the degree of agreement required. The degree of agreement depends on the number of people required to agree or strongly agree before proceeding. It will also depend on whether vetoes can be tolerated and, if so, how many vetoes are tolerated. Mind you, disagreeing means not having the attitude, I`m right, you`re wrong – go your way and see what happens (i.e. I`m right). Bezos writes instead: “This is a real disagreement, an open expression of my point of view, a chance for the team to weigh my point of view and a quick and sincere commitment to follow its path. [Emphasis added.] We all agree on all levels at some point, but do you find that you are mostly the type of level 3 that disappoints the type of level 5? Or are you a level 5 guy getting hurt by other people who can`t commit? Enthusiastic support means that most team members register their support closer to the upper end of the scale. They fully support it, they support it with a small point of contention, or they agree with the reservations.

People often think that their group should always strive to achieve the highest level of agreement. But few people know how much work it takes to find a train of thought that embraces all points of view. In most cases, it is difficult to get enthusiastic support. However, a higher level of support is crucial for decisions that affect the entire team and where everyone is involved in the implementation and representation of the decision. Here are some suggestions for using this tool to test the team`s degree of agreement on a topic or suggestion: But half of the people I really like give me level 3 chords! When using match histories, it`s helpful to write the histories on a flip chart and hang them in the meeting room. After using the gradients several times, a group can use numbers to represent the different gradients – e.B. 1 for “full support” and 8 for “strong object”, as in the following example: Agreement gradients are a tool to support group decisions described in the moderator`s guide to participatory decision-making. It includes an 8-point scale to express support for a decision.

The tool is described in the Facilitator Leadership Participant Guide, which is obtained by participants who register for the facilitation leadership session offered by MSU Extension employees. Once, a friend suggested I fly to an event that we both thought was fun. I hadn`t really planned to come, but I wanted to see my boyfriend, so I decided to leave. My boyfriend and I didn`t intend to meet and catch up, but I just assumed, as my friend had asked me to come, that we would take the time to go to dinner or walk together or spend time alone. Every day I would text my boyfriend and try to get something on the calendar, but I couldn`t nail my boyfriend. Four days later, we still hadn`t met for more than one short hug among other crowds. .